Portraits of Alice

A complicated, disturbing, and erotic novel, Portraits of Alice thrusts itself into our cultural landscape without regard for comfort or excuses.
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"I’ve read a lot of Mr. Goodwin’s work. However, nothing could have prepared me for the absolute rawness of Portraits of Alice. It was beautifully written, as his books usually are, but there was a shyness throughout that I couldn’t put my finger on. From Alice’s flashbacks of her jarring experiences, to her present-day life of complexities, this novel was something else entirely." - Five Star Amazon Review

"Definitely a page turner. A nice combination of sweet , hot, and thought provoking writing. There might be some triggers for survivors, but they're handled in a sensitive way." - Five Star Amazon Review

Portraits of Alice

At sixteen, Alice was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition which left her in the body of a barely pubescent young woman. Now, at forty, she’s utterly exhausted with the slew of men who have constantly attempted to fetishize her existence...